Tom Lane

Ghost Writer, editor


A native Angeleno, I mainly grew up in the formerly obscure town of Cupertino, California.

Like Hal, I went to Dartmouth College and then to Yale, where I obtained a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature specializing in ancient Greek and nineteenth century. I finished my dissertation during a remarkable year at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. Paris can be challenging, but I love going back and feel comfortable there.

After all these studies, I returned to Los Angeles, where I got into the film business. As a development executive, I worked with dozens of writers on screenplays, including one that won the national Emmy for best long-form television film of the year.

A colleague then offered me a job doing content development for a health behavior change platform, where I worked with subject-matter experts from Stanford, Duke, and UCLA medical schools. Working in the web inspired me to get a programming certification, mainly so I could talk intelligently to tech types.

A similar job with a New Zealand-based company enabled me to get over there half a dozen times. A later, less fortunate trip to Tibet led to a near-fatal attack of pneumonia for which I was hospitalized in Kathmandu and Bangkok for over three weeks.

I started practicing Buddhist meditation in 1990 and have worked extensively in both the Theravada (mindfulness) and Tibetan traditions. I’ve spent more than a year in all in silent retreats and have been authorized to teach mindfulness meditation by the Spirit Rock Retreat Center in Marin. A dedicated yoga practice led to opening a yoga studio in Ventura called Yoga Jones. (The name was my wife Tina’s idea; she basically ran the place and I was her backup and consigliere.)

I’ve been focusing on print ghostwriting and structural/developmental editing for about ten years now. During that time, I’ve developed several close and deeply satisfying relationships with authors with whom I’ve worked on multiple projects. I think it’s now safe to say that I’ve also worked on several books and articles dealing with psychedelics.

Having moved on from Hollywood, I now live in bucolic Ojai, California, near Santa Barbara, an artists’ colony that offers extensive opportunities for hiking and backpacking. The third member of our household is our sixteen-year-old Lab mix, Rosie. We’ve got a deck at the back of the house overlooking the entire western end of the Ojai Valley which half the year offers great sunsets for our early-evening viewing pleasure.

I become obsessed with new or unfamiliar fields of knowledge and throw myself into them with both feet. My love for books, movies, great literature, and the esoteric—whether it be spirituality, technology, or history—has never deserted me. Nor has my love for music of many different types, which inspired me to take piano for ten years despite having no discernible talent. However, I do have a talent for friendship and irony, as well as for throwing excellent parties.


A Note From Hal

I built this firm from the very best people I could find.

Everyone at Hal Clifford Associates is a publishing veteran. There are no beginners here, no one learning on the job. I trust them to do excellent work with authors because I’ve seen them do it again and again.

We work on the basis of trust, collaboration, and an unremitting commitment to quality. I have very simple expectations of my team members, and also of you if we agree to work together:

  • Do only excellent work.
  • Be fair to people.
  • Be optimistic.
  • Bring your best self.
  • I get out of bed every morning to do this work because I believe that helping people tell their stories leads to understanding, understanding leads to empathy, and empathy leads to peace.

    I look forward to helping you tell your story, too.

    Hal Clifford

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    Our team is a well oiled machine consisting of masterfully honed parts.


    Hal Clifford



    Tom Lane

    Ghostwriter, editor


    Aleks Mendel

    Ghostwriter, editor, author coach


    Tashan Mehta

    Ghostwriter, editor, author coach


    David Caissie

    Ghostwriter, editor


    Jenny Shipley

    Ghostwriter, editor, author coach


    Rob Petersen

    Ghostwriter, editor, author coach


    Time Cooke

    Ghostwriter, editor


    John van der Woude



    Anton Khodakovsky



    Kevin Barrett Kane



    Christina M. Taylor

    Book Production Manager

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    My collaboration with Rob Wolf Petersen on two books was an incredibly positive experience. His ability to understand and articulate my ideas with precision cultivated a deep trust and efficient partnership. Rob's attention to detail, allied with his empathetic listening, enriched my voice and helped hone the effectiveness of my message. Rob's expertise allowed my ideas to resonate deeply with readers, He is an invaluable asset for any author seeking to leave a lasting imprint with their work.


    Bob Glazer

    Author of Performance Partnerships: The Checkered Past, Changing Present & Exciting Future of Affiliate Marketing and Elevate: Push Beyond Your Limits and Unlock Success in Yourself and Others

    Hal was the exceptional editor on both Can't Hurt Me and Never Finished, and is a pleasure to work with.


    Adam Skolnick

    Ghostwriter for David Goggins, author of New York Times Bestsellers Can’t Hurt Me and Never Finished

    Tom Lane has assisted me in writing two Amazon best sellers. [He] was instrumental in creating both books. His ability to grasp what we were doing and the message we wanted to convey was very professional and hit all the high points we were seeking. My recommendation to anyone who has an opportunity to work with Tom is to do it. He is professional and has the unique ability to work with you and convey your message exactly as you want.


    Vince Annable

    Author of The Household Endowment Model and Your High-Performing Virtual Family Office.

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